Frequently Asked Questions
There are currently 7 Karpeles Manuscript Library Museums around the continental United States, one of which is a mini museum, being the smallest walk-in museum in the USA.
All Karpeles Manuscript Library Museums are free to the general public. David and Marsha Karpeles have always been advocates for free education and want to promote these as such.
We do not have scheduled tours, however, we can accommodate requests for groups and individuals. Please call your local Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum to arrange a tour with one of our directors.
The Karpeles Manuscript Library has many unique manuscripts.
The Karpeles Manuscript Library collection is estimated to hold more than a million historical manuscripts and documents. This includes forty thousand Spanish Armada letters written between the king and his commanders.
Dr. David Karpeles made many contributions to society that will have an everlasting effect.
We welcome support in the form of volunteers, donations and sponsorships.